The Scary Statistics of Texting and Driving

texting and driving

What does DWI mean to you? If you are like most people, you immediately think “driving while intoxicated,” and you would be correct. In today’s technological age, DWI has taken on a new meaning: “Driving While Intexticated.” It may be a bit tongue-in-cheek, but its message is clear. Driving while texting can be as dangerous as driving under the influence. Here are some quick facts: 1. 5 Seconds: Texting takes your eyes off of the road for about five seconds, on average. At 55 mph, you can cross the length of a football field in that time. Read More

Can Your Car Kill You?


When it comes to safety features in cars, what do you look for? If you are like many people, you look for side-curtain airbags, automatic seat belts and even anti-lock braking systems. But what about the vehicle itself? Growing up, your parents might have told you bigger was better. If not better, bigger was definitely safer. They may have actually been right. In a study released by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, vehicles that were the smallest and cheapest tended to have more driver fatalities than others on the road. Cheap may have just been a… Read More

Recalculating Your Use of GPS

iphone GPS

Whether you travel long distances or just to the outskirts of town, chances are high that you have relied on a GPS to get you where you were going. We have talked about distracted driving frequently on our site because it has been deemed a dangerous issue on today’s roadways. What we haven’t talked about is just how often a GPS is to blame for accidents. Statistics here at home are hard to come by, but it is estimated that in the United Kingdom, GPS units can be blamed, at least partly, for 300,000 accidents. When you… Read More

The Most Likely Place for a Car Accident

Parking Lot

When you think of car accidents and where they occur, what pops into your mind? Many people would think of curving roads winding up steep mountains. Others may think of icy highways in the middle of winter. The truth is that both of these scenarios would be incorrect. The place you are most likely to experience a car accident is likely not a place you would think of at all: a parking lot. Yes…a parking lot. According to AAA, drivers are more likely, per-mile, to have an accident in parking lots. Here is how to keep yourself safe. 1. Read More

Are Whiplash and Concussion the Same?

Neck injury neck brace

When you are involved in a car accident, one of the injuries you are most likely to sustain is whiplash. Or is it concussion? Or both? Whiplash and concussion are both things that happen that cause injury, not exactly injuries themselves. Let’s take a closer look. Whiplash Whiplash is the term used to describe a rapid acceleration of the head followed by a rapid deceleration. In other words, your head snaps forward and then backward at a speed that does not match that of your body. This often happens when you are rear-ended and wearing a seat… Read More

Avoid These Common Mistakes After a Car Accident

Car Accident aftermath

There is no doubt that being involved in a car accident is a traumatic event. No matter how stressed out or anxious you are, there are mistakes you should avoid. Being careful to take the right steps after an accident helps to ensure that your rights are protected. Listed below are the most common mistakes that people make following a crash. 1. Losing their cool. Take a moment following a crash to compose yourself. You should conduct any conversation after the accident like a business meeting. Do your best to keep your wits about you and avoid getting into… Read More

Are You Entitled to Lost Wages Following a Crash?

Help wanted newspaper section

When you file suit after a car accident, you are seeking damages. But what exactly are you looking for? While the most obvious type of damages are compensation for medical treatment, another, often overlooked category, is lost wages. If an accident has affected the way in which you are able to make a living, you may be entitled to compensation. What is Recoverable? If another person is responsible for the accident you were in, you may be entitled to any income that was lost as a result of your injuries or inability to return to work. This… Read More

What to Do After a Hit and Run

Car accident bumper damage

Being involved in a car accident is stressful enough, but what if the other party doesn’t stick around? You get into a car accident and watch, shocked, as the other driver takes off. Do you react differently? Do you follow the same rules? Here is what to know if you are involved in a hit and run. Do: Just like in any other accident, if you are involved in a hit and run, call the police. If you don’t know the number of the local police, you can always dial 911. Summoning emergency services is the first… Read More

Leading Causes of Car Accidents

Adjusting rear view mirror

Car accidents occur every day in the United States. Millions of people are injured each year and thousands are killed. There are a variety of reasons that car accidents occur, but some reasons are more common than others. Here are the top five causes of car accidents across the country. Distracted Driving Too often, people treat their cars like mobile bathrooms, dining rooms and entertainment venues. Instead of concentrating on the road ahead, people sit behind the wheel and eat, get ready for work and rock out to their favorite tunes. Once you get behind the wheel, remember… Read More

Top Misconceptions About Auto Accidents

Winter Car Accident Tilt Shift

Despite what you hear on television, not every person who has been involved in a car accident is privy to a million dollar payout. When it comes to auto accident lawsuits, there are a variety of myths and misconceptions. Whether you have been involved in an accident or the injured party is a loved one, it’s important to know exactly what you can expect and what you shouldn’t. 1. State Laws Vary Just because your cousin received an amazing settlement in Ohio doesn’t mean that you can plan on receiving the same in Texas. Laws vary across the states. 2. Read More