How Does Wrongful Imprisonment Happen?

As much as we wish the justice system in America was flawless, it is, unfortunately, not the case. Many people every year are wrongly imprisoned, and with the development of more advanced forensic technology, we are beginning to see just how serious this problem has been. But how does wrongful imprisonment happen? How does a judge and jury become convinced that someone completely innocent is in fact guilty? Here are some of the most common causes of wrongful imprisonment:

False Confessions

In many cases, the situations and circumstances around a crime and its prime suspects are complex and complicated. Under the motivation of outside influences or pressures, some may confess or plead guilty even though they are innocent. With advanced DNA testing technology, now, though, many people can be proven innocent

Eyewitness Misidentification

When eyewitnesses are used to identify suspects, their decisions are usually treated with much weight and respect. Therefore, when eyewitnesses incorrectly identify a suspect, this almost always leads to a wrongful imprisonment.

Forensic Science Fraud

The results of forensic science efforts make a world of difference during a case. Fraud, such as fabricated or exaggerated statistics, lab results, or testimonies often lead to an unfortunate wrongful imprisonment. Sometimes, when “experts” present information, it may be incorrect and lead to an incorrect conclusion, whether it is because of bribery, personal interest, or misplaced credit and trust.


Sometimes, inmates already in jail may volunteer to inform on a suspect, incriminating him as guilty. If the inmate chooses to do so, he or she may have a personal gains in the action. These can lead to wrongful convictions and imprisonment.


If you or someone you know has been wrongfully imprisoned, we can help. Contact the Loewy Law Firm today for a free consultation.