How Subrogation Affects You

car accident

You have just had a car wreck. While you were driving through an intersection someone ran a red light and hit your front end, spinning your car around forty-five degrees. Luckily, you only suffered from a neck strain and your car just needs some bodywork to be in drivable condition. You go ahead and pay your deductible, will say $800, and within three weeks you have your wheels back, you’re well on your way to physical recovery, and you’re back working and happy that things ran so smoothly. However you’ll probably still be frustrated that you had to pay $800… Read More

Sharing the Road with Motorcyclists

Road safety is everyone’s responsibility. When it comes to sharing the road with motorcyclists, it is important to have awareness of a few key facts in order to prioritize everyone’s safety. Take a quick look over these five safety tips, and it could save someone’s life. Motorcycles take up an entire lane. Motorcycles are entitled to their own lane, even though they might not be as wide as pick up truck that is also entitled to its own lane. They are legally allowed to take up the entire lane, and they are not required to share it… Read More

How to Protect Your Child From Sports Related Brain Injuries

Sports can be fun, healthy and character building for children of all ages. However, sports can also be physically dangerous, with broken bones, fractures, torn muscles or concussions. Concussions are probably the most dangerous because they can result in severe traumatic brain injury, which can change or even end a child’s life. Here are some precautions to take for your star athlete in order to protect him or her as much as you can from concussions. Work Closely With Coaches and School Officials Ensure that the environment in which your child is learning about and playing sports… Read More

How to Avoid a Pedestrian Accident

pedestrian accident

Whether you’re walking your child to school or just getting some fresh air on your daily afternoon stroll, it’s important to stay safe, especially as a pedestrian. Walking around town is a great way to see the sights and get some exercise, but that doesn’t mean it is always the safest method of transportation. In Austin, Texas the pedestrian fatality rate rose significantly in recent years and is listed in the top 25 most dangerous cities for pedestrians. Safety Tips for Pedestrians Half of pedestrian fatalities occur during the weekends and… Read More

Head Trauma Safety: What to Do if You Suspect a Concussion

car accident

Our brains are soft masses with the consistency of jelly, suspended in cerebrospinal fluid. This fluid keeps our brains from bouncing around in our hard skulls from everyday movement. Most of the movement our head does is cushioned by this fluid. Abrupt trauma to the head can cause the brain to move around inside the skull, causing it to strike and bounce against your inner skull. Examples of such events are hard falls, car accidents, sports accidents and over-enthusiastic head banging at a heavy metal concert. A concussion is the brain injury that one sustains from such quick… Read More

How to Avoid Drunk Drivers on the Road – Safety Tips

personal injury, avoid drunk drivers

To drive safely on the road you have to monitor other drivers as well as yourself. You never know who is distracted, in a rush or driving while intoxicated. As scary as it sounds, thousands of people in Austin, and millions of people all over the United States are injured every year because of people who choose to drive drunk. Sadly, in the state of Texas about 35% of all car accident fatalities were DUI related incidents. Even though drinking is acceptable, drinking and driving is not. There are plenty of options to get home safely if you are drunk,… Read More

5 Ways to Prevent Elderly Falls and Injuries.

Children are seen tumbling around and falling down all of the time. It can be quite adorable. However, as people age, the consequences of falling become more and more severe. Falls are unfortunately common in seniors, and they can cause some serious injuries that could even be fatal. Learn about the dangers of of falls and how to prevent them. Injuries and Consequences from Falling Lacerations Hip fractures Impaired movement Traumatic brain injury Spinal damage Other fractures Developed fear of falling, which limits a person’s range of physical activity Death… Read More

Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Symptoms in Children

child brain injury

Children can be very self aware, but they are sometimes unable to properly express what they are experiencing. As a result, brain injury symptoms in children need to be observed by an adult, since they may not communicate their pain or confusion to you. General Symptoms First, let’s go over a list of general symptoms for severe traumatic brain injury—in anyone. These symptoms can sometimes be obviously disruptive and painful, but other times they might be just subtle enough to be waved away as a passing ailment. They are not mutually exclusive or inclusive of each other; they… Read More

Sports with Highest risk of Brain Injury

wrongful death

Playing sports is a good way to stay active, relieve stress and have some fun. However, there is always a chance you or someone else can get injured if you participate in any physical or sports related activity. This is why there are particular rules and safety measures to keep those involved safe. Even if you do everything you are supposed to, accidents happen and people can become severely injured. One serious injury that happens in sports and various activities is brain injury. Brain injury occurs in over 1.7 million Americans every year. Brain injury can be caused by variety… Read More

Personal Injury Prevention: 4 Tips for Safe Trick-or-Treating

traffic on freeway

Halloween is tomorrow and you’re kids are most likely beside themselves at the prospect of costumes, jack o’lanterns and bags of free candy. It’s a great, festive holiday, but there are some safety issues to keep in mind to prevent your little ghouls from getting hurt. Listed below are some helpful tips on how to stay safe during tomorrow night’s festivities! 1. Costume Selection and Darkness Certain costumes pose higher visibility risks than others. Due to the dark, evil traditions of Halloween, a lot of black is usually incorporated into costumes. The darkness of night mixed with dark colored costumes… Read More