Personal Injury Prevention: 4 Tips for Safe Trick-or-Treating

Halloween is tomorrow and you’re kids are most likely beside themselves at the prospect of costumes, jack o’lanterns and bags of free candy. It’s a great, festive holiday, but there are some safety issues to keep in mind to prevent your little ghouls from getting hurt. Listed below are some helpful tips on how to stay safe during tomorrow night’s festivities!


1. Costume Selection and Darkness

Certain costumes pose higher visibility risks than others. Due to the dark, evil traditions of Halloween, a lot of black is usually incorporated into costumes. The darkness of night mixed with dark colored costumes makes it easier for your kids to blend in, and the risk of being hit by a car rises dramatically. Try accenting their dark costumes with some reflective tape or brightly colored accessories. Also, be sure to equip everyone with a flashlight in order to light the way and warn surrounding cars of your presence. Some elements of your little one’s costume may be a hindrance. Masks often impair the vision of the wearer, try face paint instead if your mask is too intrusive and bulky. Also, long draping costumes commonly pose a tripping hazard.

2. Trick-or-Treat in Familiar Neighborhoods

Be sure to trick-or-treat in areas you know are safe and well lit. While traveling to your destination, be cautious of children who are camouflaged by the night. Prevent a traumatic car wreck, and drive with maximum caution!

3. Leave Dark Houses Alone

Believe it or not, some people don’t like Halloween. Their houses are easily spotted by their lack of decorations and extinguished porch light. As fun as it would be to give them a fright, be sure to avoid houses that are dark. Either they’re not home, or they want you to think they’re not there; either way it is best to just leave them alone.

4. Keep an Eye on Candy

When sorting treats after the sugar harvest, keep an eye on questionable candies. If the original packaging has been broken or if it is in a different package, don’t risk it. Throw away all suspicious treats! Try to regulate your kid’s candy intake, or they may get sick. A nice trick is to give them a filling meal beforehand, so they’ll eat less candy that night.

Remember to be safe and have fun this Halloween. However, if the unspeakable happens and you or your children are harmed in a pedestrian or car accident, please contact Loewy Law Firm for immediate legal counsel.