Types of Injury and Accident Claims in Austin, TX
Each year, thousands of Texans are injured in accidents across the state, and many of these incidents result from the negligence and wrongful acts of others. With the help of a skilled Austin accident lawyer, victims can often win compensation for their injuries and losses. If your family has been hurt in a preventable accident, you need a strong representative to fight for your rights. The Loewy Law Firm handles the following cases:
Boating Accidents
When boat drivers travel at high speeds and perform reckless maneuvers, they put other boaters and swimmers in danger. Boating accidents lead to serious injuries and fatalities, and the drivers can often be held liable for damages.
Bicycle Accidents
Bicycling is an enjoyable activity and efficient means of transportation, but bicyclists are often at risk. Inattentive and irresponsible drivers who hit bicyclists can cause broken bones, neck and back injury, brain damage, and even death.
Car Accidents
Each year, thousands of Texans are killed in motor vehicle accidents, and often at the hands of distracted and irresponsible drivers. Car accidents can drastically alter everyday life, and victims are left to contend with mountains of medical bills and extreme pain. The negligent drivers can often be held accountable for their actions.
Dog Bites
Pet owners may be held legally responsible if their dogs cause injury. Many times, children who want to pet or play with dogs are the victims of vicious attacks. Dog owners must take all precautions necessary to prevent harm and can be held liable for the damages caused by their pets.
Drowning Accidents
Unfortunately, there are hundreds of drowning deaths each year as a result of faulty equipment at water parks, an absence of barriers around pools, irresponsible boating behavior, and a lack of proper supervision. These tragic deaths could have been prevented in many cases, and the victims’ families may be able to file a claim against the negligent parties.
Drunk Driving Accidents
When a driver chooses to operate a motor vehicle while intoxicated, he or she puts the public in extreme danger. Thousands of Texans will be hurt or killed by drunk drivers this year, and the drivers can be held liable for their reckless and selfish actions.
Injuries to Children
Sadly, the smallest and most precious members of the family are often the most vulnerable to serious injuries and death because of preventable accidents. Children are at risk of danger from dog bites, choking, drowning, broken bones, and car accidents, among others.
Motorcycle Accidents
Motorcyclists can be severely injured when motorists and truck drivers operate their vehicles negligently. Distracted and reckless drivers are less apt to notice a motorcycle in a neighboring lane, and collisions can result in broken bones, brain trauma, and fatalities.
Pedestrian Accidents
Walking can be a way to travel, exercise, or enjoy nature, but pedestrians can sustain serious injuries if struck by a car or truck driver who ignores traffic signs or signals. Drivers who hit pedestrians can often be liable for injuries sustained or fatalities.
Premises Liability
Property owners and premise managers can be held responsible for injuries sustained on their lands. If an owner does not maintain his property in a way that promotes the safety and well-being of guests and employees, they can be held accountable before the law.
Serious Injuries
An injury is serious if it keeps the victim from moving, speaking, or behaving as they were able to before the accident. Serious injuries that are common in personal injury claims are broken bones, burns, choking injuries, neck and back injuries, and traumatic brain injury. This type of damage is common in preventable accidents.
Slip & Fall Accidents
Negligence often causes victims to be injured after slipping and falling. The owner of the accident location can be held liable for any damages sustained if they did not take the steps necessary to prevent such an accident. Falls can cause injuries like broken bones, neck and back pain, and even brain damage if the impact is severe.
18 Wheeler Accidents
Fatality and devastating injury often occur in the wake of an 18 wheeler accident. Victims can seek reimbursement from irresponsible truckers who drive recklessly or carelessly and negligent company owners who do not maintain the safety of their vehicles.
Wrongful Death
The most tragic personal injury cases are those involving wrongful death, caused by such things as car accidents, police brutality, drowning accidents, and severe injuries to children. When preventable accidents result in fatality, the victims’ families can obtain justice against those responsible for their terrible losses.
Accident injuries and deaths are often the direct result of negligence. When individuals fail to prevent accidents or cause injuries by wrong and willful actions, they act negligently. Victims can seek compensation for their injuries and pain from the negligent parties.
Liability in a Personal Injury Claim
Liability lies with the person responsible for causing the accident that led to pain or wrongful death. Proving who is liable for damages and injury is the crux of any personal injury claim. The parties involved in the case must argue or prove who is liable for the events and results of the accident.
Our practice is devoted to helping the victims of preventable accidents put their lives back together after traumatic events. Under the direction of Adam Loewy himself, we are committed to providing clients with excellent counsel and aggressive representation, and we take every case on a contingency fee basis, because we believe that the firm should not be paid unless we win for our clients. Every victim deserves a voice; call the Loewy Law Firm to learn how we can help you.