Austin Child Injury Lawyer

Children should never have to suffer, but when terrible accidents occur, these precious victims must receive justice. At Loewy Law Firm, our Austin child injury lawyer is a committed advocate for the rights of children who are injured in preventable accidents. Our legal team works diligently to obtain the best possible outcome for each family. If your child was hurt because of negligence, you may be entitled to compensation. Contact us today at (512) 280-0800 for help with your case.

Children are extremely vulnerable to suffering pain or death as a result of personal injury. Their delicate size, natural curiosity, and inability to detect danger put your children at risk of being hurt by preventable injuries. Though fatal injury has dropped almost 30% over the past ten years, the Center for Disease Control still cites injury as the leading cause of death among children.

Common Causes of Child Injuries

child injury lawyerThese injuries are most commonly due to negligence that results in:

  • Car Crashes – Reckless, distracted, and intoxicated drivers cause terrible car crashes that often involve children.
  • Suffocation or Strangulation Toys and household items that are made improperly and break easily put children at serious risk.
  • Choking The poor quality of many toys leads to broken pieces, which inquisitive and undiscerning babies and toddlers put into their mouths.
  • Poisoning – Kids cannot tell the difference between what is safe to consume and what is deadly. Companies and individuals who leave out poisonous substances put children in danger.
  • Drowning – Children are far too often the victims of drowning deaths. Lack of supervision and safety barriers at pools and swimming parks can be deadly for children. Boating accidents happen when drivers behave foolishly, and kids are often the victims of their negligence.
  • Dog Attacks – Kids are drawn to dogs, which is why owners are responsible to prevent their pets from causing extreme injury through dog bites.
  • Bicycle Accidents – Children can be seriously hurt in bicycle accidents when drivers are distracted or behave recklessly on the roads.
  • Falling – Negligence can cause severe slip-and-fall accidents among children.

The frailty of children often leads to very serious injuries, such as brain trauma, broken bones, burns, and even death. Parents practice constant vigilance in an effort to keep their children safe, but the careless behavior of others can result in pain or wrongful death for the smallest members of the family.

Contact an Austin Child Injury Lawyer Today

Our Austin personal injury lawyers understand how such tragedies interrupt lives, and we would be honored to help your family recover after an accident. We consider each client to be a lifelong friend, and our aggressive representation and intense case preparation allow us to provide them with the strongest chance for success. Anyone who causes harm to a helpless child must be held responsible. If you need legal guidance after your child has been injured, contact our Austin law firm at (512) 280-0800.