Austin Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
If you’ve suffered serious injuries as a result of a motorcycle accident, Austin motorcycle accident lawyer Adam Loewy can help you put your life back together. The team at the Loewy Law Firm has been helping motorcycle accident victims for more than 15 years. During that time, we’ve helped our clients recover millions of dollars in compensation.
With our help, you’re much more likely to get the maximum amount of compensation for your injuries and financial losses after an Auston motorcycle accident. Get a free initial consultation from our motorcycle accident lawyers by calling (512) 280-0800 or visiting our contact page.
Motorcycles are a great way for many Austin residents to experience all the outdoor beauty Texas has to offer. Unfortunately, motorcyclists are also at much higher risk of being involved in an accident. Other drivers in larger, heavier vehicles often don’t watch out for motorcyclists, and motorcycle riders are more likely to sustain serious injuries in an accident because motorcycles offer less protection than other vehicles.
Compensation After a Motorcycle Accident in Austin
Between your physical injuries, the emotional anguish you’ve suffered, and the financial costs of treating your injuries, the losses from a motorcycle accident can quickly add up. The good news is that using experienced and skilled motorcycle accident attorneys in Austin can help you recover compensation for these losses by filing a motorcycle accident claim against the person responsible for your injuries. Among other things, you could potentially claim compensation for the following:
- Your physical pain and suffering
- Your emotional anguish
- Your past and future medical bills
- Your lost wages
- Your reduced capacity to work due to your injuries
- Any of your property that was damaged in the accident
One question we often get from our clients about compensation for their injuries is “What happens if the accident is partly my fault?” The answer is that as long as you are not found to bear the majority of the fault for the accident, you can still recover compensation for your injuries.
Texas uses a modified comparative negligence standard for negligence, which means you are still allowed to seek compensation after an accident, even if you partially caused it. If you are found to be partly responsible for the accident, your compensation will be reduced by your percentage of fault. An Austin injury lawyer will know how to find the necessary evidence to build the strongest possible motorcycle accident case for maximum compensation.
What To Do After a Motorcycle Accident in Austin, TX
Here’s what you should do if you’re ever involved in a motorcycle accident:
- Call 911- There may be people who need immediate medical treatment, and you want the police to investigate the crash. Calling 911 will bring first responders to the scene, and you can obtain the crash report later on.
- Take pictures- Photos are often crucial pieces of evidence in accident claims. Take pictures of the damage to any vehicles involved in the accident, as well as the scene itself and the surrounding area.
- Don’t say anything publicly about the crash, especially on social media- You need to be careful about what you say after an accident if you don’t want a careless statement to be used against you. Your best bet is to not say anything about what happened unless it’s to the police. If you’re asked to give a recorded statement to an insurance company, politely refuse.
- Save all your medical records and bills- To get maximum compensation for your claim, you’ll need proof of your injuries and financial losses. Your medical records and bills are essential evidence if you want fair compensation.
- Start a pain journal- Proving your pain and suffering after an accident is a tricky task. Keeping a daily record of how much pain you’re in and how the pain impacts your daily activities is a good way to document how your injuries have affected you physically.
- Talk to a lawyer- A motorcycle accident attorney in Austin can handle all the legal work involved in your claim while you focus on getting better. The sooner you speak to an Austin personal injury lawyer, the sooner they can start building your case.
Contributing Factors of Motorcycle Crashes
Motorcyclists have little protection when involved in crashes, which leads to higher rates of serious injury and fatality. The scenes of car accidents involving motorcycles are often disastrous due to the size disparity between motorcycles and passenger vehicles or commercial trucks.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that motorcyclists are 5 times more likely to be injured in a collision, and 25 times more likely to die in a car crash than a passenger car occupant. Why is the risk of serious injury or wrongful death so much higher for motorcyclists? Some dangerous factors include:
Distracted Drivers
When drivers participate in any activity that takes their eyes and focus off the road, they put the public at risk. Motorcycles and their riders are harder to see than large passenger vehicles, and a driver who is adjusting the radio or talking to passengers is less likely to notice a motorcyclist in their path when they change lanes.
Texting While Driving
A driver who is texting is 23 times more likely to crash than one who is attentive to the road. In the few moments in takes to read or compose a text message, a driver can collide with a vulnerable motorcycle rider, leaving pain and tragedy in their wake.
Drunk Drivers
The slowed response time of an intoxicated driver and lowered skills of observation create an especially hazardous situation for a motorcyclist.
Drivers who speed have less time and space to react in the event of an accident situation on the roads. This makes it harder for them to avoid hitting a motorcycle if they didn’t see it in their way or didn’t give themselves enough space to pass the motorcycle safely. Speeding has the added effect of making the injuries from a motorcycle accident more severe, as objects hit with more force when they’re moving at higher speeds.
Aggressive Driving
Similar to when drivers speed, driving in an aggressive or reckless manner makes a driver much more likely to hit a motorcycle. Examples of aggressive or reckless driving behavior include following too closely, sudden stops, turning or changing lanes without using a turn signal, making unsafe or aggressive turns and lane changes, running red lights, and failing to follow posted road signs. Our motorcycle wreak attorneys in Austin should be one of the first calls you make after an aggressive driving incident.
Driving While Fatigued
Handling any vehicle safely requires coordination, situational awareness and sharp reflexes, all of which are compromised when drivers get behind the wheel without getting enough rest. Fatigued drivers have compromised judgment and response times, making it harder for them to recognize hazards on the road and react accordingly. In extreme situations, a fatigued driver might fall asleep at the wheel, putting themselves and anyone around them at extreme risk of an accident. Truck drivers are especially vulnerable to fatigue and a potential truck accident because they often go long hours without taking a break.
Inclement Weather
Because motorcycles use only two wheels and aren’t as stable as other vehicles, they’re especially susceptible to sudden changes in weather. Rain, snow, ice, sleet, and other precipitation on the road can make it much harder for a motorcycle to stop and maneuver safely. Wet or icy roads also make it harder for other vehicles to stop quickly, making it harder to avoid colliding with a motorcycle in an emergency situation.
Poor Road Conditions
Damaged roadways aren’t fun for anyone to navigate, but they can be especially challenging for motorcyclists. Potholes and other hazards can easily cause a motorcycle to crash, especially if there’s no advance warning of the hazard. Broken guardrails, busted signs, or a failure to warn of possible hazards are also ways in which poor road maintenance can lead to a motorcycle accident.
Riding a motorcycle is economical and enjoyable for many people, but the negligence of other motorists puts them in tremendous risk. If you have been injured while riding a motorcycle, an Austin motorcycle accident lawyer may be able to fight for you.
Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries in Austin
Motorcycle riders often suffer horrific injuries if they’re involved in a crash, even if they’re wearing a helmet. Motorcyclists can easily be thrown from their vehicle in a crash, leading to serious bodily harm. In turn, these severe injuries can take a significant financial toll of their own. Some of the most common injuries from motorcycle accidents include:
- Fractures and broken bones
- Severe lacerations and bruises
- Severed or crushed limbs
- Damage to the body’s soft tissues (muscles, ligaments, tendons, etc)
- Damage to internal organs
- Damage to the spinal cord, including paralysis
- Back and neck injuries, such as whiplash
- Facial disfigurement
- Head injuries
- Traumatic brain injuries (TBI)
Motorcycle Fatality and Injury Statistics
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported that in 2019, 5,014 motorcyclists died. 20 to 29-year-olds are at the highest risk of suffering a fatal injury in a motorcycle collision. In addition to these fatalities, many motorcyclists sustain nonfatal injuries. The most common nonfatal injury among motorcyclists involved leg injuries, foot injuries, head injuries, and neck injuries. Because of this, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) acknowledges motorcycle fatalities as a significant public health concern in America.
Contact a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in Austin, TX
Loewy Law Firm’s Austin motorcycle accident lawyers are dedicated to helping clients repair their lives after tragic incidents because we believe each victim of a preventable accident deserves justice. If your family suffered because of a motorcycle accident, we can use the extensive experience and aggressive negotiation skills of our Austin motorcycle accident attorneys to fight for the compensation to which you are entitled.
We represent Texans seriously injured or killed due to others’ wrongful actions. If a motorcycle accident has left you overwhelmed by pain and medical bills, we can help. Call Loewy Law Firm today for compassionate support and a strong advocate on your side.