Austin School Bus Accident Lawyer

School bus accident claims can be complicated because there may be limits on filing a lawsuit against public school districts due to sovereign immunity rules. An Austin school bus accident lawyer can provide you with advice and guidance and will vigorously represent your interests as you fight for compensation. When a child is injured, the costs of ongoing care and the extent of the losses can mean that huge amounts of money are at stake in bus accident claims.

Children aboard school buses could be injured if the bus is involved in a collision or if they are struck by a bus. School bus drivers, bus manufacturers, and other motorists are responsible for ensuring the safety of school children when riding to and from school or other extracurricular activities. When any person, company, or agency fails to protect kids aboard a bus, that entity becomes responsible if a school bus accident happens.

An Austin personal injury lawyer from Loewy Law Firm is here to help you get the full and fair compensation you’re owed after a school bus accident. Contact us immediately if you have any questions.

Who is Responsible for a School Bus Accident?

school bus accident lawyerAfter a school bus accident, an individual, company, or agency can be held liable for failure to fulfill a legal obligation to keep kids safe. Bus drivers must obey all rules of the road; other motorists must obey safety rules and stop for school buses, and bus companies must ensure they are carefully hiring and training the right workers. Bus manufacturers and maintenance companies also have a role to play in keeping kids safe.

An Austin school bus accident attorney will help you determine who failed to live up to their legal obligations if your children were hurt on a school bus.  We can help you make a claim against:

  • The driver
  • The bus company
  • The school district
  • The bus manufacturer or the manufacturer of bus parts
  • The bus mechanic
  • Other motorists

It is your obligation to prove your case in a bus accident claim in order to recover compensation, which means showing the other party caused the crash through negligence or a failure to maintain the required level of care. The Loewy Law Firm can help you find eyewitnesses, expert witnesses, and other evidence to make your case. Whether your bus accident claim is resolved in settlement negotiations or a trial before a jury, our Austin school bus crash attorney is ready to advocate for you and help fight for full and fair compensation.

What Kinds of Injuries Are Caused by Austin Bus Accidents?

Being involved in a bus accident is a traumatic experience. Motor vehicles like buses are extremely heavy, and they cause lots of harm to bus riders, other motorists and their passengers. The injuries that commonly occur include:

Contact an Austin School Bus Accident Attorney Today

austin school bus accident attorneyVictims of a school bus accident or family members of victims can recover compensation for all losses that are incurred in the crash, including the wrongful death of a child or other bus passenger. If the bus injured pedestrians or other motorists, those victims can recover compensation as well. Determining who is at fault, following special rules for suing government agencies, and proving your claim can require an in-depth knowledge of Texas laws related to school bus accidents. We have that knowledge and can put it to work on your case.

The Loewy Law Firm is focused on representing injured victims after car and bus crashes, and we have recovered more than $40 million for victims who sustained injuries. Give us a call to learn how an Austin school bus accident lawyer could help you seek answers, compensation, and justice.