How Much to Ask for in a Personal Injury Settlement?

personal injury settlement

When someone else’s negligence has caused you injury, you may be entitled to pursue compensation for your injuries and losses. This compensation can come in the form of a personal injury settlement. Negotiating a settlement agreement usually begins with the injured party sending a demand letter to the other party’s insurer. So, you may wonder how much you should ask… Read More

How to Get the Most Money from Your Insurance Claim

austin dog bite lawyer

The costs of treating an injury after an accident can add up quickly. Medical bills are expensive and lead to significant financial strain for many. Worrying about whether you can afford ongoing treatment or take time off work to recover is normal. You might face massive debt if you don’t have the money to pay upfront for your expenses. Resolving these issues if… Read More

What Is the Difference Between Personal Injury and Bodily Injury?

Personal injury is a term used in civil court cases. It refers to the expenses a person incurs from an accident someone else causes. Bodily injury is often referenced in criminal cases. It describes the injuries someone sustains in an assault or another crime committed against them. However, “bodily injury” also appears in personal injury cases. The primary difference between personal injury and… Read More

What Happens After Mediation?

Mediation can be a valuable part of a personal injury lawsuit. It allows a neutral space where opposing parties can negotiate a settlement to resolve the case. You can breathe a massive sigh of relief if you reach an agreement during mediation. However, you’re not finished with your case. Multiple things must happen before you receive a settlement check. What Happens After Mediation… Read More

What Happens After Deposition in a Personal Injury Lawsuit?

The steps that come after depositions are completed depend on the circumstances of the case. Sometimes, one party wants to negotiate a settlement to resolve the matter outside court. Other times, proceeding to trial seems like the best option. Completing your deposition can seem like a significant weight off your shoulders. You stressed about and prepared for the process for weeks. Now it’s… Read More

The Discovery Process in a Personal Injury Lawsuit

Personal injury insurance claims are opportunities for injured people to pursue compensation from the person or company at fault for the accident in which they were injured. The money they receive can cover lost wages from being unable to work, medical treatment, and damage to personal property. It can also compensate for intangible losses, such as emotional distress and pain and suffering. Many… Read More

Prepare for Your Deposition

A deposition can be intimidating. It’s a necessary part of a personal injury lawsuit. However, answering questions a defense attorney asks is a stressful process. You might worry about saying the wrong thing or providing incorrect information. Adequately preparing for a deposition is crucial. You should practice responding to every possible question and avoid common errors that can negatively affect the outcome of… Read More

How To Know if Your Deposition Went Well

A personal injury lawsuit involves multiple phases. The discovery phase, which allows the plaintiff and defendant’s attorneys to request each other’s evidence, is among the most crucial. Opposing parties can review the evidence to assess legal strategies and determine how to argue against them. One particular part of the discovery process is a deposition. A deposition is a question-and-answer session conducted by a… Read More

All About Depositions in a Personal Injury Lawsuit

Parties in a personal injury lawsuit are often called to attend depositions. A deposition allows the opposing sides to obtain information before they proceed to trial. The plaintiff’s and defendant’s attorneys can depose each other’s clients and witnesses to determine the facts of the case. Although a deposition might seem scary, it’s a straightforward process. However, what you say can be used against… Read More

Texas Stand Your Ground Law

Texas has a self-defense law in place known as the Stand Your Ground Law. Essentially, this law justifies the use of force against someone when the actor believes it is necessary to protect against someone else’s use or attempted use of unlawful force. Self-defense can be difficult to prove. You may be eligible for compensation from someone else’s insurance company if you were… Read More