TASER Debate Continues After Settlement in Noe Niño de Rivera Case

A New American Media article published today interviewed our firm to discuss Noe Niño de Rivera, a Bastrop teenager who was tased while at school and suffered life-altering brain injury.

Previously, we discussed the case in our blog. Our firm represented Noe’s family and achieved a $775,000 settlement for the young man and his family.

The article expounds on an issue that we addressed—should TASERs be used in schools?

Tellingly, the TASER company provides a disclaimer that their equipment should not be used on any minors. While school safety is a serious matter, in Noe’s case, a TASER meant that a young man who was not aggressive or violent suffered severe brain damage.

You can read the article here to decide for yourself and weigh in on this important matter. Our firm selectively chooses difficult civil rights cases because we feel that it is crucial to make sure that the law protects our rights. This case represents the aggressive advocacy of and personal investment in each and every case we take.