Preventing Tragic Child Injuries

You probably feel safest when your child is at home with you. But should you? The home itself presents its own fair share of dangers and hazards. It’s frightening to realize all the possible accidents that can occur inside your child’s own room. Childproofing a home is necessary. Many parents believe that once their children are old enough to walk and understand simple instruction the risk of household injury has been eliminated. In reality 70% of injuries suffered by children under the age of ten occur before the child turns five. That means your walking, talking four year old is at risk! Take a real close look around your house and then consider whether your safe place does the following!premise liability

  • A window screen is not always enough to prevent a child from falling through a window. Young children don’t understand that they shouldn’t apply all their weight to the screen and often that’s enough to push it loose. There are window barriers you can buy if you want a temporary fix. Otherwise, keep the window shut!

  • Stairs are a major danger in the home. Chances are you as an adult has at some point tripped over a few stairs. Now just think how it is managing those things with tiny legs! Even if your stairs are gated you should not leave your child unattended near them. Many young children and babies are excellent climbers. You might not think your child capable but they’d surprise you! Falling down the stairs after first falling over the gate is even more dangerous. If your child is old enough to start trying a few of those stairs himself, teach him how to go down backwards. It’s safer and easier for him

  • Loose rugs on the floor, especially if your floors are wooden or slick, can be dangerous and cause a baby to slip. There are special traction pieces you can place under rugs to prevent them from slipping.

  • Look at what hangs around your house, literally! Curtains with hanging tassels, tablecloths, tapestries, decorative wall pieces. Anything with in your child’s grasp that they can grab onto is dangerous, because chances are they will.

  • Be especially wary of any room that contains additional hazards. For instance, be sure that your child has absolutely no access to cabinets or closets containing hazardous materials or cleaning solutions. Do not allow your child in the kitchen, unless properly secured, when you are cooking. Even if you’re being careful you could trip or something completely unexpected could happen. Don’t leave bathroom doors open. You should always be with your child when they are in one of these places.

After taking a walk around your house yourself, have another outside party do the same. Did anyone catch anything you didn’t? There is always a risk that an accident will occur, but certain household adjustments can significantly reduce your risk. You want your child to have a home they feel comfortable playing in and you feel comfortable having them play in.

If your child has been injured at the fault of someone else’s neglect call Loewy Law Firm, helping injured Texans.