Side Impact Car Crash Lawyers

Side-impact accidents are one of the most common forms of a car crash. This type of collision is very dangerous because drivers and passengers have very little protection against a vehicle hitting a vehicle from the side. If you or a loved one suffered injuries in a side impact crash, an Austin side impact crash lawyer from Loewy Law Firm can help. Call us today at (512) 280-0800 or visit our contact page for more information on how our legal team can help.

How Side Impact Car Accidents in Austin Occur

Passenger vehicles are built with little physical material to absorb and deflect a side impact. Side-impact collisions, sometimes called broadside or T-bone collisions, typically occur when one car passes in front of another, causing the two cars to form a T-shape when they collide. Damage to the vehicles and injuries suffered by the occupants can vary depending on where the vehicle is hit, the speed at which the accident takes place, the type of vehicle, and the safety features on the vehicle. Often, side impact crashes occur at intersections because of one driver’s failure to yield the right of way.

Common Causes of Side Impact Collisions include

  • Failing to obey or see a red light/stop sign
  • Turning across lanes of traffic
  • Inaccurately gauging oncoming traffic when making a right turn at an intersection
  • Failure to follow road signs, i.e. Not coming to a complete stop at a four-way intersection
  • Reckless and-or aggressive driving
  • Distracted driving
  • Steering or brake failure
  • Inclement weather, including ice, snow, rain and fog.

Injuries Caused by Side Impact Accidents

Every accident is different. The severity of the injuries often depends on the speed of the vehicles at the time of the collision and the maneuver the driver is performing, as well as the weight and size of the vehicles involved. Vehicles that spin, roll over, or are pushed into oncoming traffic or stationary objects can increase the severity of injuries. Newer vehicles may be equipped with side airbags that can help absorb impact and protect passengers.

Side impact accidents can commonly result in:

  • Head injuries
  • Brain injuries
  • Neck injuries
  • Arm and Leg injuries
  • Nerve damage
  • Torso and chest injuries
  • Broken bones

Compensation for an Austin Side Impact Collision

Regardless of whether you were in the turning vehicle, you may be entitled to compensation if it can be proven that liability for the car accident rests with the other driver.

Compensation for injuries can include money for:

  • Past and future medical treatment
  • Lost income
  • Any reduction in future earning power
  • Retraining if you are unable to return to your old job
  • Pain and suffering
  • Property damage

Hire an Austin Side Impact Collision Attorney

At the Loewy Law Firm, our personal injury attorneys care about our clients, and, just as important, we win for our clients. Attorney Adam Loewy works on every case we represent and is fully dedicated to helping you achieve the largest possible settlement for your injuries. Our Austin car accident lawyers understand how the process works, and we know how to build a strong case that will aggressively fight for the rights of our clients. Your case is important to us, and we take the necessary time to build a strong defense to pursue your rights. Contact our firm today at (512) 280-0800 for a free consultation.