Austin Whiplash Injury Lawyer

The range of pain and severity can make whiplash accidents difficult to determine an amount for compensation. Hiring an Austin personal injury attorney can help you solidify your claim, communicate with insurance companies, and fight for your deserved compensation. Contact Loewy Law Firm today for help with your whiplash claim. 

What is a Whiplash Injury?

Whiplash is one of the most common soft tissue injuries from a car accident. Whiplash occurs when the head is thrown violently backward then forward. The head is the heaviest part of the body, and when the neck tries to control abrupt movement, the neck’s soft tissues can be damaged.

Various types of car accidents can cause whiplash. Rear-end collisions can cause whiplash as well as a sudden stops like crashing into another object or slamming on the brakes. While speeding accidents can cause whiplash as well, even lower speed car crashes can injure ligaments, vertebrae, and muscles in the shoulders and neck as well.

Whiplash Car Accident Symptoms

A bad whiplash accident can present a variety of symptoms such as:

  • Headaches
  • Migraines
  • Neck pain
  • Dizziness
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Spinal injuries  
  • Development of mental health issues such as depression or anxiety

After a car accident, it’s important to have a doctor evaluate your injuries. A physician can diagnose whiplash by asking about the accident, onset symptoms, and the impact of those injuries. The doctor will also conduct a physical examination to determine the extent of the patient’s injuries. In severe cases, the doctor might use diagnostic tests such as x-rays or CAT scans as well.

Treatment for Whiplash

There are many ways to successfully treat a whiplash injury. In milder whiplash cases, oftentimes the recommended treatment is rest, alternating heat and cold to lessen the symptoms, and prescribing over-the-counter pain medications.

However, if you experience severe whiplash after an accident, the treatment can be much more involved. In severe cases, whiplash treatment can include:

  • Specific medications like muscle relaxants or injections at the primary locations of the worst pain
  • Physical therapy to stretch out the muscles of the shoulders or neck
  • Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), or mild electrical stimulation to relax muscles and ease the pain
  • Massage, acupuncture, or chiropractic care to improve the range of motion of the head and neck
  • Severe cases may require cervical traction or even surgery

Recovery from a whiplash accident can vary from a few weeks to a year or more. It’s important to follow the doctor’s prescribed treatment plan to recovery fully from a whiplash injury after a car accident.

What Type of Compensation Can I Expect from a Whiplash Car Accident?

Determining compensation after a car accident can be complex. Many factors can affect whiplash car accident settlements. Some factors can include:

  • Severity of the injuries
  • Length of treatment
  • Accident liability

It is difficult to predict in advance what a whiplash settlement will be. Because there are numerous factors in determining the costs and severity of the accident, contacting an experienced Austin car accident attorney is important for your whiplash accident case.

Statute of Limitations on Whiplash Due to Car Accidents Cases

In Texas, the statute of limitations requires a lawsuit be filed within two years of the date of the accident. If you miss the deadline, your case may likely be dismissed as untimely. At that point, receiving compensation for your injuries may not be possible.

A knowledgeable whiplash injury attorney can assess your case, help you navigate deadline limitations, and help you file a claim before time runs out.

How to File a Successful Claim for Damages After a Whiplash Accident

After a car accident, the important first steps are to call 911 and receive medical attention as soon as possible, either at the scene of the crash or the emergency room or hospital. A doctor will recommend treatment that is appropriate for the severity of the accident and will help you manage any pain and problems with movement.

At this point, it is a smart idea to contact an attorney, especially if your injuries seem severe enough to require significant medical treatment. Keep record of any treatment plans, bills, or paperwork associated with the injury and crash.

After you retain an attorney, they can help you gather evidence to support your case.  Helpful evidence in a whiplash accident case can include:

  • Photographs of the cars involved, particularly any damage to those vehicles
  • Photographs of the area where the crash occurred
  • Stoplights or important traffic or directional signs
  •  Contact information for any witnesses

Your attorney can use the pictures and other evidence you collected to thoroughly prepare your insurance claim while you focus on recovering from your injuries.

From here, your attorney can assess the damages associated with the accident and file a claim with the liable party’s insurance company for compensation. If the compensation cannot be agreed upon, the case my go to court. However, this will only be necessary if the other insurance company refuses to settle.

How the Loewy Law Firm Can Help with Your Case

Loewy Law Firm will investigate the accident thoroughly and determine who is liable for the crash. We will also check in with your doctors and therapists to get their assessments of your injury and your ability to heal from it. It is important to collect all the medical records because they may be important for any negotiation or lawsuit. We will keep track of the medical professional’s estimates of medical expenses and therapies that might be required in the future. The point is to collect the most pertinent and convincing evidence to bolster your whiplash claim.

Loewy Law Firm is prepared to fight for your claim, negotiate with insurance companies, and aggressively pursue the compensation you deserve. Our experienced and skilled Austin legal team is here to answer any questions and keep you apprised of the status of your claim.

The Loewy Law Firm has won millions of dollars for clients since 2005. Not only are their outcomes impressive, but customer service is also of the utmost importance. If you have sustained a whiplash injury from a car accident in Texas, call the Loewy Law Firm at (512) 280-0800 or contact us online for a free consultation about how we can help with your claim.