Austin Burn Injury Lawyer

Burns are terribly painful and can cause extreme and permanent damage to the skin and internal systems. Accidents that result in burn injuries are often traumatic, and victims may need surgeries, physical rehabilitation, and counseling during their recoveries. These accidents are often preventable, and an Austin burn injury lawyer can help the victims and their families receive compensation for the medical bills, lost wages, and emotional distress.

Types of Burn Injuries

There are three main types of burn injuries:

  • Thermal Burns. These burns are the result of contact with heat in the form of fire, steam, hot objects, hot liquids, and hot metals. 43% of burn center patients are admitted with thermal burn injuries. Thermal burns can be caused by car accidents, defective products, workplace accidents, and reckless behavior.
  • Electrical Burns. An electrical current passing through the body can cause both external and internal damage. Though most injury is done below the surface of the skin, the extent of the damage will depend on the area of the body affected, type and strength of current, length of exposure, and amount of moisture on the body. Electrical burn injuries can result from such safety hazards as faulty wiring and defective machinery.
  • Chemical Burns. Caustic chemicals sometimes used at construction and agriculture sites, medical facilities, automotive centers, and cosmetic offices can burn the skin and cause damage and excruciating pain, and eyes are especially susceptible to these wounds. These injuries are not always immediately obvious, but poisoning and complications can be very harmful.

Burn Degrees

Burn injuries range from mild (a light sunburn) to severe (a fatal injury). Burn injuries are divided into three levels of severity: first, second and third degree burns. First degree burns less severe than second and third degree burns. In extreme cases, burns may be categorized in the fourth degree. However, fourth degree burns are essentially severe third degree burns. First degree burns are super ficial, only damage the first layer of skin, and are identifiable by their reddish coloring. First degree burns do not result in blisters.

Second degree burns, or “partial thickness burns,” penetrate to the second layer of skin. Second degree burns are similar to first degree burns but involve blisters. Unless the burn covers a large portion of the body, a second degree burn is considered mild. Third degree burns, also called “full-thickness burns,” are characterized by a leathery texture and white coloring. This type of burn affects all lawyers of the skin. Fourth degree burns affect all layers of the skin, along with the joints, tendons, and bones beneath the skin. This type of burn may appear charred.

Treating Burn Injuries

Mild burns can be treated with over-the-counter pain medication and comfort. First degree burns can be painful. To cool a first degree burn, cover it with a clean, moist, and cool cloth. You may also run the injury under cool (not cold) water to ease any discomfort. Never place oil, ointment, or butter on a burn injury. If treated properly, mild burn injuries should heal without additional medical attention within approximately one week. Severe burn injuries should be treated by a medical professional. However, first-aid should be administered to third and fourth degree burn victims as well – especially if he/she has gone into shock.

Contact an Austin Burn Injury Lawyer Today

If negligence in the workplace or elsewhere led to burn injuries for you or a loved one, it is important that you speak to skilled Austin personal injury attorney immediately to discuss your options. Accidents most often result in painful and life-changing injuries, and victims deserve a strong advocate to stand up for their rights. Our practice is dedicated to helping Texans who have been seriously injured or killed by the irresponsible actions of others, and we am committed to helping clients rebuild after traumatic events. If you and your loved ones suffered because of burn injuries, an Austin burn injury lawyer may be able to help your fight for the compensation you deserve. Contact Loewy Law Firm today.