What Questions Should You Ask Witnesses at the Scene of an Accident?

Eyewitnesses can be valuable after a motor vehicle accident. They can support your claims about what happened and who is at fault for your injury. However, you must know the questions you should ask to obtain helpful information. A witness who gives a statement to the insurance company or testifies at a trial can benefit your case and improve your chance of recovering compensation. Below are questions you should consider asking witnesses at the scene of a crash. Can You Describe How the Crash Occurred in Your Own Words? A witness should discuss the events leading up to the accident… Read More

What Happens After Mediation?

Mediation can be a valuable part of a personal injury lawsuit. It allows a neutral space where opposing parties can negotiate a settlement to resolve the case. You can breathe a massive sigh of relief if you reach an agreement during mediation. However, you’re not finished with your case. Multiple things must happen before you receive a settlement check. What Happens After Mediation Settlement? Knowing you can finally put this traumatic experience behind you is exciting. However, settling your case during mediation doesn’t mean you walk away with a check in your hand. There’s a process to complete first. You… Read More

What Happens After Deposition in a Personal Injury Lawsuit?

The steps that come after depositions are completed depend on the circumstances of the case. Sometimes, one party wants to negotiate a settlement to resolve the matter outside court. Other times, proceeding to trial seems like the best option. Completing your deposition can seem like a significant weight off your shoulders. You stressed about and prepared for the process for weeks. Now it’s behind you. However, your case isn’t over yet. Below are the stages you might encounter after you and the defendant give your depositions. Review the Deposition Transcripts  A court reporter will record everything everyone says during the… Read More

The Discovery Process in a Personal Injury Lawsuit

Personal injury insurance claims are opportunities for injured people to pursue compensation from the person or company at fault for the accident in which they were injured. The money they receive can cover lost wages from being unable to work, medical treatment, and damage to personal property. It can also compensate for intangible losses, such as emotional distress and pain and suffering. Many personal injury claims settle out of court. Opposing parties can negotiate a settlement without needing to go to trial. However, negotiations don’t always go well. Sometimes, reaching an agreement isn’t possible. When that happens, proceeding with a… Read More

Prepare for Your Deposition

A deposition can be intimidating. It’s a necessary part of a personal injury lawsuit. However, answering questions a defense attorney asks is a stressful process. You might worry about saying the wrong thing or providing incorrect information. Adequately preparing for a deposition is crucial. You should practice responding to every possible question and avoid common errors that can negatively affect the outcome of your case. Tricks and Traps Lawyers Use During Depositions Attorneys often use tactics to trick a deponent into providing information helpful to their opponent’s cases. The defense lawyer in your personal injury lawsuit might ask confusing questions… Read More

How To Know if Your Deposition Went Well

A personal injury lawsuit involves multiple phases. The discovery phase, which allows the plaintiff and defendant’s attorneys to request each other’s evidence, is among the most crucial. Opposing parties can review the evidence to assess legal strategies and determine how to argue against them. One particular part of the discovery process is a deposition. A deposition is a question-and-answer session conducted by a lawyer with the plaintiff, defendant, or witness. The purpose of a deposition is to obtain relevant information about the case. Providing brief, direct, and factual answers to every question is crucial. You should never speculate or embellish. Read More

All About Depositions in a Personal Injury Lawsuit

Parties in a personal injury lawsuit are often called to attend depositions. A deposition allows the opposing sides to obtain information before they proceed to trial. The plaintiff’s and defendant’s attorneys can depose each other’s clients and witnesses to determine the facts of the case. Although a deposition might seem scary, it’s a straightforward process. However, what you say can be used against you during the trial. Your lawyer can help you prepare for your deposition so that you know how to respond to each question and avoid saying something that could damage your case. What Is a Deposition? A… Read More

What Are the Benefits of Hiring an Austin Car Accident Lawyer?

If you were involved in a minor fender bender in which no one was injured, you might not need the help of an attorney. But if you suffered injuries or property damage, you should meet with an attorney as soon as possible. The simple fact is that an experienced personal injury lawyer gives you a much better chance of securing the full compensation you… Read More

Do I Need an Attorney After a Minor Car Accident?

Lots of people get into accidents. Most of them are minor, with a little body damage to the car and a bump on the head for the occupant. Should you make a police report and hire a personal injury attorney? It doesn’t seem necessary. Your injury was hardly noticeable, and the body damage is easy to repair. Why bother with an attorney? Loewy Law Firm believes it is a good idea to talk to a personal injury attorney even after minor car accidents. If you do not contact an attorney, can you be sure the other driver also did… Read More

The Loewy Law Firm Garden Center officially opened at a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Friday, July 15th. The garden center is a weather-protected space within the larger Central Texas Food Bank Garden and offers cutting-edge nutrition education and gardening programs to residents of Austin and Central Texas. The unveiling represents another step toward the Central Texas Food Bank’s goal of a hunger-free community. The facility will be a place where locals can gain nutritional knowledge, learn about healthy eating practices, and improve their culinary aptitude. Sari Vatske, the President and… Read More