We were proud to represent Noe Niño de Rivera’s family in their pursuit of justice. We are very pleased with the result—we secured a settlement of $775,000. This settlement represents resolution for the family and could have implications for future TASER cases. The case began when Noe was tasered by Deputy Randy McMillan. A video clip of the incident shows Noe falling and hitting his head on the concrete floor. He was not disobeying, fighting, holding weapons, hitting anyone, or behaving aggressively. Noe was in a coma for fifty-two days. He sustained severe traumatic brain injuries,… Read More
The Federal Trade Commission took a stand against deceptive marketing practices, through a consent agreement with GeneLink Bioscience Inc., and a former subsidiary Foru International Corp., who agreed to stop making unsubstantiated claims about their supplements and skin care products. These products were advertised to enhance genetic disadvantages, by using DNA samples from customers to make unique nutritional treatments for conditions like diabetes, insomnia, and heart disease. In addition to the promises they were making to new customers, they were making up testimonials from “allegedly” old customers who were delighted with the results. The consent agreement requires that all advertising… Read More
Accidents are indiscriminate, they can happen to anyone. People of all socioeconomic classes have accidents and suffer injuries because of the negligence of another. People who have a good income through a skilled job can suddenly find they are injured and unable to return to that line of work and enjoy that level of earning potential. It can take months, even years, to be compensated for an injury. Many people have no place to turn except to government programs that can assist them in keeping their family sheltered and fed. Under the law, everyone has the right to be compensated… Read More
Do you know how insurance companies determine the amount of damages they owe to an injured party in a personal injury lawsuit? Have you heard about a secret, mystical formula that they use to determine their payouts? Or maybe you’ve heard about computer programs that determines damage payouts. However, the formula used to calculate damages is no secret. But there are problems with it’s outcome. These problems are the result of a conflict of interests between the injured party and the insurance company. Insurance companies are known for trying to minimize their liability and payouts in personal injury claims. Insurance… Read More
If you are involved in a personal injury case and you are either negotiating with the negligent party, mediating, or going to trial, one question you might want to ask yourself and especially ask your lawyer is the difference between a lump sum settlement and a structured settlement. Each of these types will impact your life in tremendous ways and know the difference between will greatly affect how you plan your future financial plans. What is a Lump Sum Settlement? After you’ve either come to an agreement with the third, negligent party or a verdict in a trial, you might… Read More
Tort law is governed by civil common law. Which means that there are no statutes that give lawyers a black and white description to apply to specific cases and then bam-boom-violá your done. Instead, attorney’s have to perform rigorous studies over previous court verdicts and testimonies to prove negligence or liability of another party. Premise liability cases, cases involving a plaintiff who was injured on the defendant’s property, center around the core of the law’s ambiguity because the four elements that establish a property owner as liable are hard to establish clearly. Do You Have A Premise Liability Case? In… Read More
After you have suffered an injury in car accident, at your workplace, or in any situation, you need to assess the situation and find the mechanism of injury or what caused your injury. Personal injury cases arise in a number of situations. Although many people in the U.S. might think these cases are frivolous and impose unnecessary burdens on people who are honest and hard working, you’d be surprised at the statistics behind how many Americans file personal injury lawsuits. Personal injury lawsuits only account for 4.4% of all lawsuits filed in the civil courts (16 million in 2012). In… Read More
If you suffered a personal injury that has you out of work and unable to pay your bills or your case involves a massive investigation that needs funding in order to continue, a pre-settlement loan might be a solution to the money problem. It’s important that you understand the ins and outs of pre-settlement or litigation funding before you go talk to a financial company because their are ethical issues you might want to think about. What Is Pre-Settlement Funding? It has numerous names including lawsuit loan, legal funding or financing, settlement funding, or third-party funding. It’s all the… Read More
When you’ve suffered an injury from a car accident, product liability, third party negligence, or from a work related cause, one of the biggest problems you’ll face is proving how much you need to be fully indemnified or compensated or how much your personal injury claim is worth. This is where the biggest disputes between policyholders and insurance companies or injured victims and the faulty party’s insurance provider arise. Knowing how you can calculate how much your claim is worth can be helpful when talking to adjusters or deciding if you need an Austin personal injury attorney. Here’s some advice… Read More
Jurisdiction gives a court the right to make legal decisions and judgments for a given case. If there was no jurisdiction then someone living in Texas could go sue another Texan from a court in Montana. Jurisdiction sets boundaries on what cases a court can get involved in. There are two types of courts that can hear your case: State Courts and Federal Courts. You need to know who has jurisdiction in your court so that your case is not dismissed for this simple but integral step of a lawsuit. There Are Two Types Of Jurisdiction Since there are two… Read More