Car Accident Claim Prevails In Front Of Two Jury Trials Against Allstate

In a recent set of car accident claims, the victims have won their settlements in Texas courts against a top insurance provider.  Allstate insurance battled both claims, attempting to relieve themselves of partial responsibility and liability of the accident in hopes of dodging the payout of justified compensation for the wrongdoings of the driver they contractually insured. Columbus Car Accident In the first claim, which occurred in the 133rd District Court, the victims were going on Interstate 80 close to Columbus, Texas, as stated by court documents. Another driver had rear-ended the husband and wife, and the impact made… Read More

Car Accident Claims: Comparative and Contributory Negligence

In a car accident case, comparative and contributory negligence are defenses that enact when time arrives to distinguish two main topics: The extent to which every driver was in the wrong for the crash How much economic liability, if any, every driver will assume for damages originating from the crash. In a normal car accident lawsuit, the plaintiff claims that the defendant’s carelessness or negligence brought about the crash and that the defendant should be held responsible for the plaintiff’s damages, including any injuries and vehicle damage.   In reply to the plaintiff’s claims, the… Read More

“Winter Mix” Causes Hundreds Of Accidents

car accident

Often Texans are mocked for making a big deal out of fairly mild winter weather conditions. Schools shut down, businesses close and buses stop running. Residents of other states might scoff upon hearing that this is all what results from just an inch of snow. However, because of Texas’ generally mild weather the state has little supplies for or practice in responding to harsher weather. Last night with temperatures dipping into record lows and a combination of snow and ice passing through most of Central Texas, an unsurprising 250 car crashes were reported. This “winter mix” brought both a… Read More

Personal Injury Settlements And Special Needs Trusts

Accidents are indiscriminate, they can happen to anyone. People of all socioeconomic classes have accidents and suffer injuries because of the negligence of another. People who have a good income through a skilled job can suddenly find they are injured and unable to return to that line of work and enjoy that level of earning potential. It can take months, even years, to be compensated for an injury. Many people have no place to turn except to government programs that can assist them in keeping their family sheltered and fed. Under the law, everyone has the right to be compensated… Read More