The Scary Statistics of Texting and Driving

texting and driving

What does DWI mean to you? If you are like most people, you immediately think “driving while intoxicated,” and you would be correct. In today’s technological age, DWI has taken on a new meaning: “Driving While Intexticated.” It may be a bit tongue-in-cheek, but its message is clear. Driving while texting can be as dangerous as driving under the influence. Here are some quick facts: 1. 5 Seconds: Texting takes your eyes off of the road for about five seconds, on average. At 55 mph, you can cross the length of a football field in that time. Read More

Personal Injury Settlements And Special Needs Trusts

Accidents are indiscriminate, they can happen to anyone. People of all socioeconomic classes have accidents and suffer injuries because of the negligence of another. People who have a good income through a skilled job can suddenly find they are injured and unable to return to that line of work and enjoy that level of earning potential. It can take months, even years, to be compensated for an injury. Many people have no place to turn except to government programs that can assist them in keeping their family sheltered and fed. Under the law, everyone has the right to be compensated… Read More