Head Trauma Safety: What to Do if You Suspect a Concussion

car accident

Our brains are soft masses with the consistency of jelly, suspended in cerebrospinal fluid. This fluid keeps our brains from bouncing around in our hard skulls from everyday movement. Most of the movement our head does is cushioned by this fluid. Abrupt trauma to the head can cause the brain to move around inside the skull, causing it to strike and bounce against your inner skull. Examples of such events are hard falls, car accidents, sports accidents and over-enthusiastic head banging at a heavy metal concert. A concussion is the brain injury that one sustains from such quick… Read More

Sports with Highest risk of Brain Injury

wrongful death

Playing sports is a good way to stay active, relieve stress and have some fun. However, there is always a chance you or someone else can get injured if you participate in any physical or sports related activity. This is why there are particular rules and safety measures to keep those involved safe. Even if you do everything you are supposed to, accidents happen and people can become severely injured. One serious injury that happens in sports and various activities is brain injury. Brain injury occurs in over 1.7 million Americans every year. Brain injury can be caused by variety… Read More

Texas Legislature Pass Law Against Hit and Run Drivers

The Texas House passed a new law 130-0 which increases the penalties for drivers for who leave the scene of an accident. The Senate previously passed the bill and Governor Perry is expected to sign it. Austin’s Senator Kirk Watson introduced the legislation. The legislation was passed in response to the tragic death of Courtney Griffin of Austin. Ms. Griffin was walking home late at night when she was hit Gabrielle Nestande, who had been drinking and driving. Ms. Nestande drove off and only received a 10 year probated sentence. A major problem in the trial was a loophole in the… Read More

Hit and Run Crashes – On the Rise

KVUE news covered a tragic story regarding a young woman, Katy Palmer, and her boyfriend who were involved in a hit and run collision during South by Southwest in Austin. The driver of the car shamefully drove off and the police and Palmer’s family are actively looking for him. Palmer was killed and her boyfriend sustained a head injury. Our law firm has seen an increase in hit and run car cases in Austin over the past 18 months. The most notable case was the Nestande case, which received enormous media coverage. The less known cases involve innnocent people like Katy Palmer. Read More